Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Freddy's Revenge!

Loved the WOD tonight. Felt pretty strong and fast...must be my new lululemon pants! Will probably wear them at least twice a week now.

Power Cleans: 5x3x1 - 74-84-94(3)

Metcon: Freddy's Revenge - 5 rounds of 5 shoulder to overhead and 10 burpees. Worked with 85#. 7:42


Breakfast: 1/4cup walnuts and a sliced banana in coconut milk. Coffee with coconut milk.

Lunch: leftover spaghetti squash with ground turkey and marinara. 1/2 avocado.

Pre-WOD snack: 1 "Apple Pie" Larabar

Post-WOD snack: 1 flax seed pizza cracker (thanks Karen!) 1 hand full of dark chocolate chips.

Dinner: Skate wing and brussel sprouts (shown above). Didn't know what to think about the fish, but it was outstanding! A very buttery flavor. Zack called it a "poor man's lobster". Yum. 1 chocolate banana nut muffin.


  1. Skate wing is my absolute favorite fish. If I see it at a restaurant, I automatically get it. Where did you get it from? Don't remember ever seeing it at supermarkets.

  2. Hahaha! I bought monkfish yesterday and they called that a poor man's lobster too! Nice work tonight. You did a great wod and looked totally hot in your new lulu pants :)

  3. Zack found the skate wing at Whole Foods for $7.99 a pound. Delicious! And yes, we also really like monkfish. Yummmmm...

  4. I absolutely love the Zack quotes in your blog. Classic!
