Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is Bananas

Trying to recover before tomorrow's WOD. My legs and back are killing me, but I won't need them too much tomorrow, so I think I'm good.

Nutrition Today:

Breakfast: 1 banana, coffee with coconut milk

Lunch: Pulled pork over spinach. 1 avocado

Snack: 2 pieces of deli meat turkey

Dinner: 1 "breakfast burger" (turkey burger with two bacon strips and a fried egg). Sauteed swiss chard.

Snack: 1 fried banana (shown above). Coated the banana in a mixture of egg, coconut flour, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Fried in coconut oil. YUM! This is one recipe that the paleo and non-paleo crowd will enjoy.