Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rip x 6

Wednesday's WOD was pretty awful from a muscle fatigue and hand condition standpoint. I have 6 separate rips that Zack made me douse with alcohol and vinegar last night. Not a good feeling. Still in pretty rough shape this morning, so Zack also had to wash my hair. Needless to say, I'm not looking my best...but thank you anyway to a great husband!
WOD: 90-75-60-45-30-15 seconds of HSPUs and CTB Pull-ups. 53 reps. Wasn't even close to getting a rep on the HSPUs during my first attempt, so I focused solely on Pull-ups after that. Thank you Megan for counting and all of the encouragement.
Breakfast: 2 eggs sunny side up and coffee with coconut milk.
Lunch: 1 turkey burger over spinach with 1 avocado.
Snack: 1 apple pie larabar.
Dinner: Paleo "fried rice". Used finely chopped cauliflower as the rice part. Mixed with ground bison, green onion, egg and garlic.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is Bananas

Trying to recover before tomorrow's WOD. My legs and back are killing me, but I won't need them too much tomorrow, so I think I'm good.

Nutrition Today:

Breakfast: 1 banana, coffee with coconut milk

Lunch: Pulled pork over spinach. 1 avocado

Snack: 2 pieces of deli meat turkey

Dinner: 1 "breakfast burger" (turkey burger with two bacon strips and a fried egg). Sauteed swiss chard.

Snack: 1 fried banana (shown above). Coated the banana in a mixture of egg, coconut flour, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Fried in coconut oil. YUM! This is one recipe that the paleo and non-paleo crowd will enjoy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Big Smile

Considering that I had never even attempted an 85# thruster, I was pretty nervous about Monday's WOD to say the least. After receiving Bryce's e-mail with the line-up for the next two weeks, I was not feeling confident at all, but I'm making a promise to myself to go into each WOD with a positive mentality and give them everything I've got.

I'm also tweaking my nutrition just a little bit by going into WODs with less food in my stomach. I felt less lethargic today and seemed to focus better. We'll see how this plays out over the next two weeks though...

Overall, I am really proud of my effort for WOD #1. I didn't even know if I would finish it, so to drop a 7:57 is totally unexpected and feels really good. I know that it doesn't put me on the same elite level as Alison, Emily, etc., but there are still seven WODs to go and I'm happy to have this one out of the way.

Nutriton Breakdown:
Breakfast: 1 banana, hand full of walnuts, coffee with coconut milk.
Lunch: 1 pork chop over spinach. 1/2 avocado.
Snack: 1 piece of paleo pineapple upside down cake.
Dinner: 1 salmon fillet with brussel sprouts.